// Trivia

A new way to experience trivia on game day.

We've all seen trivia at sporting events. You post trivia questions on the scoreboard and show the answer. But how many fans really engage with it?

We've supercharged the in-game trivia experience to make it more engaging for fans and valuable for your sponsors.

Score Your Free Demo

Not your regular game-day trivia.
We revamped it for your fans & sponsors.

The timeout buzzer hits. Media time out. It's go time for your sponsors. These are the moments that they pay for. A logo flashes to grab the fan's attention, you look down to see the fans engaging with the message.

The problem, every eyeball is glued to their phones.
No one is looking at that commercial on your scoreboard.

This is the exact reason we created our scoreboard trivia activation. It's an immersive experience that grabs fans' attention during those breaks in the game and refocuses them onto your sponsor.

We've reworked our trivia experience to ensure it is one of the most unique experiences on the market.

Better yet, it's new inventory that drives ROI for your sponsors.

Pull fans in as they answer on their phones and participate.

The problem with most in-stadium trivia campaigns are we simply put up a graphic and show the answer.

There's no engagement, no pull, and no big reason to pay attention.

Our trivia changes all of that. We help you launch an engagement-driven activation that fans will gravitate toward each game.

It's a new engagement-driven activation effect for the breaks in your game.

Enhance your in-stadium experience with
a plug & play scoreboard asset.

Each trivia activation comes with an easy-to-use scoreboard element that allows fans to see results in real-time and where other fans picked. Drive new engagement and sponsor connection seamlessly through your scoreboard.

See the experience in action below!

(This is a URL you project to your scoreboard. Easy to use & implement)

Help your sponsors build their audience and earn leads.

With each game, fans are asked to enter their email address and other info to play. We ask for qualifying questions after the experience for a more authentic way to gather info.

Our activation helps you earn and qualify leads, which is a huge value for their business.


of the fans that play our games opt-in to receive more team and sponsor promotions.


of fans that finish the game fill out the qualifying form at the end of the game.

Add prizes that drive usage & sponsor value.

Reward fans for answering correctly and send offers that drive in-store traffic and sales.

Easily add coupon codes and messaging to create exciting in-store redemption opportunities that drive sales and revenue for your corporate partners.


open rate on the sponsor offer emails sent through our platform.

Add in-activation videos to help sponsors connect with fans.

With our trivia, we've created authentic moments to let your sponsors connect with fans through video messages.

You can add videos of employees asking the questions right before it shows up for the fan to build help build relationships.

You can add a quick message before the fan sees the answers. It's an authentic way to help build a connection between fans and sponsors.

Add new engagement-driven sponsorship inventory with an in-game trivia fans love.

No more trivias that fans don't engage with or remember. With our trivia activation, you can put sponsors front & center with an activation that pulls attention in, earns leads, and sends offers that drive in-store traffic.

Grab your free demo.

Get in touch and we'll show you the platform, answer any questions, and even send you home with some custom video demos you can check out!